RICBL launched 2 new insurance policies; National Life Insurance and an Integrated Money Back Policy.

I couldn’t see much difference between an integrated money back policy and existing money back policies.

However, when it comes to the national life insurance, I love it. It is going to complement the existing rural life insurance well.

Nu.100,000 risk coverage for an annual premium of Nu.700? It is not too bad of an insurance.

On a not-so-pleasant side – the Registrar of Companies in Bhutan issued a notice on delisting of 57 companies due to a non-compliance.

There are few big names in the list as well. Let us see how far this notice goes before rendering itself toothless.

Keeping them aside, let us see how was the performance of Bhutan stock market, and my portfolio and trades in last one month.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade value of the Bhutan stock market this month is Nu. 82.47 millions. Nu. 28.91M is an m-CaMS trade and Nu. 53.56M is that of OTC trades.

Bhutan stock market trading report Sep 2023

This month, OTC trades is more by Nu. 24.65M. The OTC trade is 65% of the total trade.

We can accredit it to huge selling of of DPNB and DWAL by the majority shareholders.

213 users traded shares via m-CaMS whereas 111 users traded over the counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) started with 1,422.88 points. It remained flat for the first week and started to decline from second week.

Bhutan Stock Index Sept 2023

Our benchmark index showed downward trend this time. It increased first week, and then started declining since the second week.

The maximum decline was from 12-19th losing 49.56 points. However, it bounced back. It closed at 1,384.30 but lost 38.58 points.

Individual Stocks

This month gave so many surprises – ones that gained, gained so much and ones lost, also lost so much.

Bhutan stock market performances sept 2023

When 7 tickers increased, another 7 of them remained unchanged. But 4 tickers increased.

STCB gained Nu.33.91 whereas BTCL lost Nu. 126.86. SVL fell below its face value once more!

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This month, I could make some additions worth of Nu.10,178.28 of three companies.

Bhutan stock purchase in sept 2023

The purchases were 30 shares of BIL at Nu.57.50, 50 of TBL at Nu.38.00, and then 50 of DWAL at Nu.129.05.

If I don’t include 1% broker fees, it’s Nu.10,077.50. More than 50% is that of DWAL. It dropped from Nu.143.50 to Nu.129.05.


This month, I didn’t sell any ticker. My plan to reduce is there. But seems it would be better to do during year-end AGM seasons.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

Cheerful Donkey Stock Portfolio Sept 2023

This month, 50% of the tickers in my portfolio are down in red and 50% of them are in green.

The unrealized profit this month is Nu. 381,706.70 and unrealized loss of Nu. 46,379.62.

Bhutan stock market net profit sept 2023

The above graph represents monthly net unrealized profit. This time it is lower than last month.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

There are massive sale of DPNB and DWAL. These big players held DPNB at Nu.42 and DWAL at Nu.143.50.

I think they want to encash their holdings as they have more due to 2023 100% right shares of DPNB and 2021 100% bonus shares of DWAL.

However, when buy order volumes continued to remain low, they lowered their sale prices and both are now being traded lower.

This creates a buy opportunity for small investors. However, I don’t want to put all at once. I will average down their purchases.

How was your stock portfolio in Sept? Did it keep up your expectations? What is one thing you did this month? 

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