Hindenburg Research Report on Adani Group has tanked shares of all its seven publicly traded companies.

The Group has lost more than $119 billions from their market valuations within few days. Gautam Adani, whose most wealth is in stock, also lost more than 50% of wealth.

In the USA, a fear of Federal Reserve increasing interest rates still makes stock market unpredictable.

In Bhutan Stock Market, first quarter is usually the season of companies issuing financial reports of previous year.

In expectation of getting dividend income from these companies, people would buy shares at the start of the season.

This month, even the stock of those companies which are dormant other seasons also started trading.

Let us see performances of Bhutan stock market in Feb – Bhutan stock index moves, total stock trades, and how my stock portfolio did.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade value for the month is Nu.18.58 millions out of which Nu. 3.81 millions is offline trade and Nu.14.77 millions is an m-CaMS trade.

Bhutan Stock Market Trading Report Feb 2023

This means most stock trading in Bhutan is online as it represents 79.5% of total trade value in comparison to 20.5% that of OTC trades.

160 users traded stock via m-CaMS whereas 266 users traded offline or over-the-counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

This month too Bhutan Stock Index remained in 1080 points. It didn’t fall below 1080 points for more than half of the month.

BSI Feb 2023

In middle of the month, it increased to the max point of 1092. However, it then decreased until ending flat at 1081.65 points on 28th Feb.

Individual Stocks

We don’t notice price changes in most of the tickers like previous month as this month’s trade value is also about half.

If we look at this month’s individual stock price changes, BNBL increased the maximum and DWAL decreased the most.

Bhutan stock market performance Feb 2023

The closing prices of the 11 out of 18 companies did remain unchanged. The changes were also so minor.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This month, I could make some additions worth of Nu.7,847.20. If I don’t consider the fees, the net investment is Nu.7,769.50

Bhutan stock market share purchase Feb 2023

This month, majority of the capital injection is for manufacturing sector. I want to raise its portfolio ratio in sector-wise capital investment.


I didn’t sell any stock this month. Indeed I don’t plan to sell them as I am investing for long-term like for 10 years or 15 years or possibly even 20 years.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

CD Portfolio Feb 2023 - Table

The overall portfolio remains positive this month with an unrealized profit of Nu.96,624.02. BNBL, DWAL and BIL are the top 3.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

It seems things are improving. Our new CPI report shows the inflation is coming down.

But in times like this, I will control my expenses and invest the balance in stock or other high return avenues.

How did your stock portfolio perform in Feb? Are you planning to invest more in Bhutan stock market? 

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