STCBL raised Nu. 200 millions and DCCL Nu. 1 billion issuing commercial papers. BOBL too raised Nu. 500 millions as Subordinated Debt.

All these happened towards the end of 2022. I was worried as companies go for such borrowings when they’re in financial problems.

Druk Wang Alloy announced 2 for 1 bonus shares. Looking at the amount of retained earnings in their balance sheet and overall liquidity situations in our country, it made more sense than declaring dividend.

Bhutan Stock Market became exciting. DWAL share price crossed Nu.140 after it was revised to Nu. 65 post bonus issue. It dropped since then, yet didn’t shed off 60% plus profit.

This is how 2022 ended and started 2023 as far as Bhutan Stock Market is concerned.

Let us look at the performances of Bhutan stock market in Jan – Bhutan stock index moves, total stock trades and how my stock portfolio performed as well.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade value for the month is Nu.35.24 millions out of which Nu. 4.64 millions is offline trade and Nu.30.6 millions is an m-CaMS trade.

Bhutan Stock Market Trading Report Jan 2023

This means most stock trading in Bhutan is online as it represents 86.8% of total trade value in comparison to 13.2% that of OTC trades.

172 users traded stock via m-CaMS whereas 329 users traded offline or over-the-counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index remained in and around 1080 points for almost more than half of the month.

BSI Jan 2023

However, it increased towards the month-end and the maximum being at 1091.43 points on 30th Jan.

Individual Stocks

If we look at this month’s individual stock price changes, BFAL increased the maximum and DWAL decreased the most.

Bhutan Stock Market performance Jan 2023

The closing prices of the five companies remained unchanged. Majority of the companies have just minor price changes.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This month, I could make some additions worth of Nu.5,805.48. If I don’t consider the commission, the net invested amount is Nu.5,748.

Bhutan stock market share purchase Jan 2023

I purchased them when their target prices were triggered. All my previous purchases were also at higher prices. Just wanted to lower their average purchase prices.


This month I didn’t sell off any of my stock. Indeed I haven’t sold a single stock since I have started investing.

I consider myself a long-term investor. I don’t trade looking at short-term market trends. Is something short-term investors or day traders do in the stock market.

But If I am being honest, when DWAL reached all time high at Nu. 141.88, I got so much temptation to sell off a portion of it.

This is the constant battle of long-term investors – temptation to cut loss when price goes down – to take profit when price reaches the max.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?CD Potfolio Jan 2023 - Table

The overall portfolio remains positive this month with an unrealized profit of Nu.113,862.00. DWAL and BIL contributed the most.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

The overall sentiment in the stock market is not bullish. This means I can add more capital.

I’m bit over-invested in banking sector and under-invested in trading and publishing sectors. I’ll add and diversify my portfolio.

How did your stock portfolio perform in Jan? Are you planning to invest more in Bhutan stock market? 

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