Cheerful Donkey is the only Bhutanese blog on personal finance for now. The vision is to be the ultimate centre of information for personal finance matters in Bhutan.

No matter whether you are just starting your personal finance journey or looking to level up your financial skills, we have it all.

The contents are also less of tactical theories, and more of real life experiences so you can relate while managing your finances.

💸Personal Finance Matters

In Cheerful Donkey, we don’t advocate on the nothingness of money. We need money to meet basic needs, pursue passions and attain freedom.

If you think otherwise, Cheerful Donkey isn’t for you. You should be a hermit; away from mainstream society.

However, we also don’t claim money is everything and support working for money as if you’ll live forever. There are things more important than money as well.

Therefore, we will share our experiences how we balance the two – working for money and living our lives well.

🚀How to Start Your Finance

Personal finance can be overwhelming, especially if you’re a newbie. So this Start Here shall guide you through the essential steps.

1. Setting the Goals

To be focused and motivated. They can be long-term as well as short-term like saving Nu.500k for a car or increasing net worth to Nu.3 millions in 10 years.

2. Budgeting Basics

It’s important for knowing where all your money are going. Create a budget that aligns with your financial goals. Track income, expenses, and savings periodically.

3. Tackle the Debts

If you are in debt, draw strategies to manage and reduce your debt. Too much debt will take away your financial freedom and mental peace.

4. Save and Invest

Save and invest. Saving is for short-term financial security like investing is for building more wealth.

5. Financial Habits

Money mindset shapes our financial habits. Read personal finance books like Richest Man of Babylon, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Millionaire Next Door etc for ideas.

6. Increase Income

We must either increase income or reduce expense to build more wealth. But reducing expense has a limit. Never miss new income ideas or opportunities.

👥Join Our Community

Community support is important on the path to financial success. Be in the community by subscribing our newsletter and exchanging ideas via our blog comments, and social media channels.

📚Explore Our Content

Cheerful Donkey features collection of posts covering a wide range of personal finance topics and experiences.

You can view all the posts through All Articles link. Click on menu items to read in their respective categories.

You can also use a search bar to find specific topics for curated content on budgeting, investing, saving, debt management, and more.

📜Our Disclaimer

We shall strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, keep in mind that personal finance is a complex and evolving subject.

The content on our blog is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial or professional advice.

Do not take financial decisions without consulting qualified professionals. Disclaimer outlines it all.

🤞Tashi Delek La

Thank you for joining this community. We are excited to be part of your financial journey and empowerment.

It’s never too late to take control of your finances to secure your future. Let’s dive in and start this journey to prosperity together!


With warm regards,
Cheerful donkey icon

[Cheerful Donkey]