On an average, me and my wife usually recharge monthly 4X with Nu.499 internet data plans. It comes to Nu.3,992 in total.

However, our son consumes more than us. On an average I recharge his tablet 5X with Nu.499. It comes to Nu.2,495.

In a month we spend at least Nu.6,487 on our mobile data alone without including voice call vouchers.

If I consider for a year, it comes more than Nu. 77,844! Shocking. Right? But it was until I got a portable WiFi from TashiCell.

Our expense for internet is Nu. 2,025 per month and Nu.24,300 per year with that portable WiFi – 165% plus reduction!

Indoor WiFi of TashiCell

TashiCell has two types of such WiFi services; portable and fixed. Though both are in same pricing models, one is movable and other fixed.

The fixed one would be installed by technicians laying cables after doing feasibility studies. We cannot move once it’s installed.

When it comes to portable WiFi, there is nothing much. Once its settings are done from the office, we can take home and use immediately.

How Much Does it Cost

In such WiFi services of TashiCell or for that matter, leased line, the price is Nu.675/mbps.

This means, if you avail any of above services, your monthly internet bills will be fixed based on your mbps subscription.

Tashicell Portable WiFi for cheaper internet in Bhutan

They bill the one-time installation charge of Nu.5,000 with the first month bill. It means I will be billed Nu.7,025 for the first month.

Starting from the second month, my monthly WiFi bill will be Nu.2,025 as I subscribed 3mbps plan. It can be increased to 10 mbps if I want.

In the family of 3 WiFi users, 3 mbps is more than enough. I didn’t have a problem till now.

Will it Be Worth Buying

It depends on how much you spend for data. If you’re spending like me, it makes so much sense, financially, to get the portable WiFi.

However, if you spend like Nu.500 – 1,000 on data monthly, not availing it will be better.

But remember I am not paid by TashiCell to write on this. I am sharing my experiences on how I save on internet data thinking it might be helpful for you – my readers.

How much do you spend on data monthly? Do you feel you are spending too much on it? 

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