When I first read Rich Dad Poor Dad, I was wondering why our education system doesn’t teach personal finance.

We start adult life with zero knowledge on money, real estates, taxations, and retirement planning. 

I knew it only much later. The intention of the system is to produce more ‘employees’.

They don’t want more people who are good at building financial security through accessing secret codes of the ‘Money Game‘.

It is how modern civilization is; employees preferred over entrepreneurs, savers over investors, financial illiterates over financial literates.

If we look at money creation, circulation, the banking system, and public financing of any country, they are hard to understand.

When something is harder than they are, it just means someone doesn’t want you to know about it. 

Why Do Low income people Hate Rich People so much?

In the process, low income and middle income people develop the victim mindset and continue to be employees.

People who have financial knowledge are able to move ahead and gather more wealth.

They know how tax codes are written, how strategies of the money game work and the public financing system works. 

Low or middle income people would be poor or in hand-to-mouth survival mode helping the rich pay off their loans through commission, interest, rent etc.

These people then start taking rich people as a bunch of bad people who just take away their money and start hating them.

Is this justified? No. In an actual sense, rich people aren’t bad to deserve that much hatred from low income and middle income people.

Rich people learned how to play the money game, got into the game, and played well to their advantages.

Do Financial Advices for people come from Right People?

Initially, rich people get financial knowledges or skills either through their parents or friends. Some through personal finance books.

Long before low and middle income people know those things, how they look at money is being influenced by friends, relatives, religious teachers, banks etc.

Banks will plead to save your money with them or take loans from them. In both the cases, they make more money. 

There are lamas and Rinpoches busy pedaling for sponsors or patrons in rich countries. But in their teachings money is bad.

What I Do with my Personal Finance to get out Ahead

I know how it feels like to be in the lowest income group. It isn’t fun being fearful of an uncertain future. 

It will be wonderful not having to think about money when I don’t want to. I need to know how money works and practise financial disciplines.

I don’t want to do something just for money. I must create a situation that propels me in a situation where money doesn’t affect what I do.

low and middle income in personal finance

It’s simple. If you have to survive on a regular supply of apples you must now plant trees to create the apple orchard. 

This means I will need a regular money inflow without selling my time for it. You know am talking about passive income.

Everything I do now for getting that proverbial golden-eggs-laying goose is geared towards achieving that goal.

What income level are you in? How do you feel about it? Are you doing something to make it better? 

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