Cheerful Donkey - CEO

Kuzuzangpo La 🙇

Cheerful Donkey here! I’m passionate about saving, passive income, investing, and financial security/independence. 

I am a 30-something Bhutanese working for a small private firm in Thimphu – the capital of Bhutan. Yes, you got it right. I’m from Bhutan! 

I want you to realize the importance of financial literacy and taking charge of your financial management. 

My personal finance has three pillars. So, I will also write within these three pillars especially for my Bhutanese readers: 

  • Increasing Earnings
  • Living Below Means
  • Investing for Wealth

I’ll explore behavioral economics, psychologies, tools, strategies and principles of personal finance that are relatable. 

The truth is no one can have an unlimited money.

Your money is the time you’ve lost working for it.

Nobody should know what to do with your money more & better than just yourself. Personal finance knowledge and skills make you realize it.Â