I came across below report of personal income tax revenue collected by DRC for the year 2022 shared by Business Bhutan Newspaper.

Shocking Income Gap in Bhutan

I broke down this visual report from different angles and got some of the given perspectives:

The population of Bhutan for 2022 is 763,249 as per NSB. This means 8% of Bhutanese contribute personal income tax revenue.

It’s shocking. I expected to be at least 15%.

When I present Bhutanese into a group having yearly income above Nu.1 million and another less than Nu. 1 million, I get the given table:

Wealth gap in Bhutan


99.8% Bhutanese population contribute 41% of tax whereas top 0.2% paid 59% of the total tax.

The tax is based on income. This means those 1,709 people in total earn more than Nu. 2 billions a year even if I take tax rate as 30%.

But their average income is less than Nu. 1 lakh per month.

I also fall in the bottom 99.8%. But I want to be in the 1% though that can be quite an impossible stretch.

Dreaming isn’t a crime. So, one of things I am doing for that is investing in stock and building my net worth.

What do you think? Do you think our rich people are taxed heavy without increasing income level bottom level people?

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