When I was in Royal Thimphu College pursuing the bachelors, I had a rich friend – a child of super wealthy parents.

I didn’t know, until his parents were giving him expensive motorbikes, and luxury SUV cars as birthday gifts.

Someone like me who had to stretch Nu.15,000- 20,000 for an entire year, it was an unimaginable thing.

How to deal with rich friends

Don’t mention about my families and relatives, even if my entire villagers pool their money and give me, I won’t be able to buy them.

I went there on a government scholarship. But I won’t get any allowances. So, how did I feel having a rich friend during my college days?

The World Felt So Different

The world felt very different. Things which I have been considering super expensive didn’t seem so to him and his circles.

He was spending money in areas that won’t even make into my priorities list. Sometimes, I thought he was just a spoiled brat.

We would sometimes go to trendy cafes and expensive hotels. I won’t be shocked by prices if foods taste really good.

It was how I realized what we eat determines our social status, and then how our taste buds too get adapted accordingly.

Once he was asking if I wanted any drink. I told  him ‘Black Mountain’ but brought a ‘Red Label’ saying former is only for horses and cows.

I didn’t know about it. Since then I came to know names of whiskies and wines that are far more expensive than black mountain.

Confidence & Self-esteem

If you watched the Hindi movie ‘3 Idiots’, my friend was more like Rancho and I was more or less like Raju or Farhan.

He would be confident in most of the areas, and would participate in any academic or extra-cocurricular activities though he’s an average.

In other hand, I must be literally forced by him to even participate. My low confidence and self-esteem used to come as barriers.

He would be positive and optimistic most of the times. However, I will be self analytical, hopeless, insecure, and pessimist.

Personal Finance Mindset

When I joined college, I did not have a bank account. All my money will be in cash. But he was already using credit and debit cards.

I knew those banking services, and products in text-books. He helped me get and use them in real life.

He taught me how Bhutan Stock Market works and how we can invest in shares. He told me he had some in stock.

There were times I felt so insecure and inferior considering how much he knows, and has in his own name.

Rich friend poor friend in Bhutan

I cooked excuses few times to escape going out or hanging out with him or his friends just to avoid those feelings.

It was only much later I realized how those feelings were merely my own doings, and he had been a good person all along.

He had never looked me down or made me feel inferior. Indeed he made me realize my other unrealized privileges.

Where Is That Friend Now

When we graduated, I joined one of the corporations. My old parents and siblings needed my support and I couldn’t afford to wait.

In other hand, he went to pursue masters. When he returned in two years, he joined the family business and now he looks after it.

We have been meeting very often in cafes, bars, book-stores, hiking, and also in various reunions.

During our meetings, he used to say how he too wants to experience 9-5 job once with less stress and predictable income.

We would discuss on investing, stock market, and retirement planning. It would be him most of time who brings materials on table.

Since I have real experiences in accounting, finance and auditing I would help him with closing his accounts and also planning for taxes.

Rich Friend Vs Poor Friend

My friend is not a perfect person. There are things of him I know he won’t be proud to share with another soul.

However, looking back since the day I met him, I have so many reasons to be grateful for his friendship.

Dealing with rich friend poor friend

They are not how I used to think – greedy feeding on poor people. They’re just like any of us.

He made me realize the importance of managing my money and how it’s not at all an existential reward; how I must work for it.

All my personal finance principles and money mindsets, which work well, are by majority influenced by my rich friend.

You have such friend? How your friend influenced your personal finance and money mindset? 

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