My cousin and her husband, both left their jobs recently. They combined received the benefits of about Nu. 3.5 millions.

They think it is too much money and worried if they might foolishly blow off in turbo mode. The stress of having so much money!

Did you experience this situation? I never did except the other end – the stress of not having enough money.

The Stress of Being in Either of Extremes

If you don’t have enough money, you have many reasons to stress. But if you have more money, still you have stress.

The two extremes in such situation aren’t ‘not having money‘ and ‘having money‘. Not all who have money have enough.

So much more money you will waste

But if having more than enough money is also a stress, then why work for more money?

Saving for future needs’ is our evolutionary trait. ‘Having it when we don’t need it’ is better than ‘not having it when we need it’.

However, nobody will tell you what is your ‘enough’. It depends on you. It’s a personal finance for that matter.

You Must Know Your Enough Numbers

My cousin feels she has so much money and stress over it just because she isn’t certain if that money is actually so much.

She must have her household’s monthly and yearly expenses. When that money is divided by those expenses, she can get a sense.

They will know how many retirement years it will last and also if it’s really too much money.

If their monthly household expense is Nu. 60,000, my cousin’s retirement money will last only for about 4 years.

If they want it to last for more years, they must reduce their expenses. So, the money isn’t too much!

How to Reduce Stress of such Situations

One thing is by having a clear idea about your expenses and then for how many years you want the money to last.

The pressure of having money isn’t from within usually. It will be external – from friends and families.

Have more money to lend you friends

They would sweet-talk to lending money from you and then blackmail you into making you prove your friendship and kinship.

It’s not a good idea to tell how much you have or how much you received. Just keep quiet and go on with your normal life.

Did you come across such situations? How did you face it? Do you have an idea on how to deal with such situations?

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