We are into the final month. The year will end in 27 days. Time goes by so fast. The Q4 of the year seems so short.

Overall, the month was quite busy – watching political debates and going through their promises. And how can I forget the election!

Bhutan Development Bank Ltd launched a collateral free 15% Community Development Loan.

When it comes to investing and commerce in Bhutan, nothing so different worth mentioning in this report occurred.

But our overall inflation had been rising since Jun month. We expected it to be just a transitory one.

You now know how much more, things cost in Thimphu. Bringing it down will indeed be a long-haul fight.

We have to prioritize savings and investing by cutting down unnecessary expenditures.

Share price of STCBL increased after news about its intention of starting offshore business outlets came out.

Nothing much for the highlight. Let us look at the overall performance of the Bhutan stock market and my portfolio this November.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade value of the Bhutan stock market the month of November was Nu.70.57M. Nu.14.87M was traded via mCAMs app and the balance as OTC transactions.

Bhutan stock market monthly overview Nov 2023

We can see that the OTC trade is more by Nu.55.70M this month. It’s 79% of the total trade.

But the overall trade volume is higher than last month. The online trades volume separately is also higher this month.

204 users traded shares via m-CaMS whereas 144 users traded over the counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) started the month at 1363.85 points. It trended upward within the first week until 1369.64 points.

In the second week, it went steep-down till 1354.65 losing more than 14 points.

Bhutan stock market index Nov 2023

On 13th, it gained more than 15 points and made a steep-climb and was somewhat flat for few days.

It started going downwards since 17th and ended at 1344.35 points. BSI lost 19.50 this month from its opening.

Individual Stocks

This November month, 5 counters ended down in red, 7 ended green and remaining 6 tickers remained unchanged.

Bhutan stock market performances Nov 2023

This month, DWAL gained the most by Nu. 09.64 whereas DPNBL lost the most by Nu. 2.93. SVL still traded below its face value.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This month, I purchased stock worth of Nu.12,347.07 in two tickers; TBL and BIL. I want to raise my stakes in banking and insurance.

Bhutan stock purchases Nov 2023

They are 150 shares of TBL at Nu.38.50, 100 of BIL at Nu.64.50. If I don’t include 1% broker fees, the real investment is only Nu.12,225.00


Just like other months, I didn’t sell any ticker this month as well. Actually I am planning to sell BPCL and DPL tickers.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

CD Stock Portfolio in Nov 2023

4 counters in my portfolio are below their purchase prices. But 6 of them are still positive. The biggest gainer is BIL.

The unrealized profit this month is Nu. 433,840.64 and unrealized loss of Nu. 40,192.00.

Bhutan stock market net profit Nov 2023

The graph represents monthly net unrealized profit. It increased from the last month but didn’t beat the highest of Aug month.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

DPNB has been coming down since the right shares and public auction of its unsubscribed right shares.

If you consider its price right after the right shares and now, the price has come down more than 40%.

The profit is getting eroded. An auction price for those unsubscribed right shares was decided at Nu.30.10.

This means you are still in green if you added it at the time of the auction. But looks like that profit won’t remain long.

Looking from that perspective, I did not add during the auction. I might do once it goes below Nu.30.

How was your stock portfolios in Nov? Did it keep up your expectations? What is your plan for this month? 

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