March was the month of bonus shares and cash dividend declarations in the stock market of Bhutan.

I have used the calculator the most this month; to calculate the dividend amount and no of bonus shares I will receive.

People placing buy orders increased. But the existing shareholders didn’t place equal sell orders expecting dividend and bonus shares.

Market prices of some shares increased to the extent I was tempted few times to sell off some and pocket the profit.

During this season of bonus shares and dividend, BFAL and BIL became the most loved companies.

Druk Satair Corporation Ltd (DSCL) announced voluntarily winding up of the business.

Bhutan stock market now has one less company. Market capitalizations too will be down by about Nu.380 millions.

Let us see how Bhutan stock market performed in March – Bhutan stock index moves and total stock trades. I’ll share how my stock portfolio performed for the month as well.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade of this month is Nu.105 millions. Nu. 59 millions is an OTC trade and Nu.46 millions an m-CaMS trade.

Bhutan Stock Market Trading Report Mar 2023

This month saw the significant increase in total OTC trade as it is almost 56% of the total trade.

260 users traded shares via m-CaMS whereas 439 users traded over the counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

This month, index Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) reached 1198.75 points. It is the highest in 2 years. Looks like it’s gonna continue in April as well.

Bhutan Stock Index Mar 2023

It remained more or less constant first 15 days. It started up-trend since 16th and reached the highest on 27th. Ended at 1196.36 points.

Individual Stocks

We can see changes in most of the tickers this month. Most of are due to price revisions after dividend and bonus shares.

Bhutan stock market performance March 2023

Changes in prices of DWAL, BTCL, DPNB etc are due to market emotions. BTCL lost the record highest by Nu.46.86.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


I didn’t make any addition for the month as buy orders are more than sell orders for this month compared to other months.


I didn’t sell off any stock for the month as I am in for a long-term. I have to analyze in following months to trim some.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

CD Portfolio Mar 2023 - Table

The overall portfolio remains positive this month with an unrealized profit of Nu.248,933.98 and unrealized loss of Nu.29,060.18. BIL contributed the most in profit whereas PCAL did for the loss.

Monthly profit investing in Bhutan stock market

I didn’t account the 1:1 bonus shares declared by BIL as I didn’t get it yet at the time of writing this post.

I received bonus shares from BNBL, PCAL and TBL. Cash dividend from BNBL, BIL and TBL are yet to be received.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

I read a few investment and personal finance books. It seems I am doing quite good – from financial perspective.

However, I wonder if I have too many counters in my portfolio. I’ll see if I have to down-size in coming months.

How was your stock portfolio in Mar? Did it keep up your expectations? Besides stock investing, what interesting things you did? 

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