This experience of not having to work is so wonderful. I can drop my son to school in the morning, and pick him up in the evening.

I can read books during the day, and give more time to my daughter who started walking. I can go for short hikes or just chill at a cafe.

This is how rich people, who don’t have to work for money to survive, will be living their lives. I feel jealous of them.

It’s the taste of financial independence – the life of not having to work for money to survive. I wish I had attained it.

Such thing makes us realize the importance of proper financial plannings, and saving money in life for future.

I think I should write on this in a separate post. For now, let us go through the performances of Bhutan Stock Market for June month.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Market Situations

This June, total market trades increased by Nu. 84M. The total trade was Nu.185.65M – 82% OTC and 18% mCaMs trades.

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) started the month at a higher points of 1479.08 and ended at 1534.58 points.

Bhutan stock index June 2024

BSI gained 55.50 points this month. It shows an overall bullish sentiment of the market during the month.

Individual Stocks

In Jun 2024, 5 counters ended down in red, 6 in green and 7 tickers didn’t change.

Monthly price movements

If we look at significant gainers / losers, BTCL gained the most and DFAL lost the most.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?

Tickers BUY

I purchased few shares of PCAL, TBL, and DFAL. The gross investment is Nu.103,084.60 inclusive 1% commission.

Bhutan stock market purchase in June 2024

They were purchased from the sale proceeds of BNB and cash dividend I received – stock rebalancing exercise.

Tickers SALE

I have sold 100% of my holdings in GBRL. It’s an exercise of trimming off less-than-expected performing counters.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

Bhutan stock market portfolio June 2024

3 counters in my portfolio are below their purchase prices. But 5 of them are still positive. The biggest gainer is RICB.

This month’s unrealized profit is still one of the lowest this year. The loss didn’t increase much this June.

Bhutan stock market profit

The overall unrealized profit is 12.66% and the unrealized loss is 0.69% in the current market value.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

When there were market swings during dividend season last month, I had a feeling I could profit riding such movements.

However, I don’t have an idle cash to test my assumption. In this regard, I am thinking of a bank loan – but not much to risk my investment.

Investing in stock taking a bank loan is not good. Yeah, I know that and is also something I don’t recommend.

But there is another principle ‘invest only if you afford to lose’. I will use it and see if I can profit from price swings in the market.

But this time, it’s just a future plan. I will keep you all posted with updates once I start the exercise.

How was your stock portfolio in June? Did it keep up your expectations? What’s your plan for next month?

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