We have come to the end of first half of 2023. Time moves so fast indeed and hope it was good one for you all.

This month, Bhutan stock market wasn’t as active as other months. If not for the right shares of DPNB, it would have been more inactive.

In Cheerful Donkey, there weren’t so many activities or changes like other months.

I couldn’t purchase like other months. I kept savings for the subscription of DPNB right shares.

I submitted my application for its subscription. But an allotment will start only from 24th July.

If you’re also planning to subscribe it, please go through their offer letter before deciding on it.

Keeping that aside, let us see how was the performance of Bhutan stock market and also the stock portfolio of Cheerful Donkey.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade value of the Bhutan stock market for the month of Jun is Nu. 30.70 millions. Nu. 10.67 millions is an OTC trade and Nu. 20.03 millions an m-CaMS trade.

Bhutan Stock Market Trading Report June 2023

This time OTC trade is less than m-CaMs trades by Nu.9.36 millions. The total OTC trade is just 35% of the total trade.

This means big investors didn’t trade much like last month. Unlike, retail investors you and me, trades of big investors are usually OTC.

267 users traded shares via m-CaMS whereas 444 users traded over the counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) reached the record highest points 1,346.37 last month. It was new highest since BSI was started in 2020.

Bhutan Stock Index June 2023

BSI decreased from the first week. The maximum decline was the end of 2nd week losing 31.73 points. It bounced back little in the middle.

It was more or less flat from the 3rd week onwards and ended the month flat at 1321.25 points. BSI lost 25.13 points this month.

Individual Stocks

When we look at an overall stock market trade value, it showed low trade volume. But most of the tickers were traded this month.

Bhutan stock market performance June 2023

I have adjusted the opening price of DPNB with right issue. Still then, it’s the only that gained this month.

BTCL decreased by Nu.44.51! I think it would be the highest decrease in Bhutan stock market. SVL still trades below face value!

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This month, I made purchases of Nu.9,302.10 in the two companies; TBL and SVL.

Bhutan stock market share purchase June 2023

Purchases are 150 shares of TBL at Nu.32.50 and 500 of SVL at Nu.8.67. I did to lower their purchase prices in my portfolio.

If I did not receive my RICB Insurance agent commission, I won’t be able to add them. I kept my savings for the right shares of DPNB.


I placed sell order of my KCL shares at Nu.50. But it didn’t get through as no investor placed buy orders.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

CD Portfolio June 2023 - Table

This month, most of the tickers in my portfolio are down in red. Investors of boom dividend seasons are now selling their holdings.

The unrealized profit this month is Nu. 466,565.62 and unrealized loss of Nu. 64,991.42. This month DPNB saved it.

Monthly Unrealised Profit - June 2023

The above graph represents monthly net unrealized profit. This time it is lower than last month. I am expecting further decrease.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

Bhutanese economy is recovering. But it’s still not in the pre-covid status. NPLs are still high in most sectors and foreign reserve low.

However, inflation is coming down. Our government issued many bonds to take back excess money printed during the pandemic.

I am still prudent with my expenditure. It’s not time to increase expense as our BTN is still cheaper and weaker.

How was your stock portfolio in Jun? Did it keep up your expectations? What is one thing you did this month? 

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