December – the final month of the year has come to an end. No matter if 2023 was good or bad, it ended well.

We are already into 2024 with so much positive energy and hopes that it will be a better year.

When it comes to investing, December was one of these months when I did nothing much.

There was no purchase and sale. In the second week of the month, I was down with a flu. I had a hard time.

Nothing much has happened except our bank, pension, insurance, RSEB and RMA people going Australia to promote different financial products for Bhutanese living there.

Bhutanese living abroad can now trade without brokers. They get higher interest rates on their deposits, and also could claim 10% incentive on forex remittances.

In that perspective, being a Bhutanese living in Bhutan never proved this disadvantageous.

Keeping that aside, let us review the overall performances of the Bhutan stock market and CD’s portfolio in December.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

In December, there was a total trade of Nu.70.50M in the Stock Market of Bhutan. Nu.14.87M was an mCAMs trade and the balance OTC trade.

Just like most of the months, an OTC trade this December month is also more by Nu.60.50M. It’s 80% of the total trade.

But the overall trade volume is higher than last month. The online trades volume separately is also higher this month.

204 users traded shares via m-CaMS whereas 144 users traded over the counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) started the month at 1343.04 points. It more or less remained flat within the first week.

In the second week, it went steep-down till 1135.73 losing more than 200 points from the previous high 1337.93 points.

Bhutan stock market index Dec 2023

But it bounced back on 14th to the previous high points making the graph look like a deep ravine.

Since the second week, it remained somewhat flat and ended at 1377.53 points. BSI gained 34.49 this month from its opening.

Individual Stocks

This December month, 9 counters ended down in red, 8 ended green and remaining 1 ticker remained unchanged.

Bhutan stock market performances Dec 2023

If we look at significant gainers / losers, BFAL gained the most and BTCL lost the most. SVL still trades below its face value.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This December, I didn’t make any purchase. Banks and other institutions promoting investment windows made it bullish.


Just like other months, I didn’t sell any ticker this month as well. I am in a long-hold. Except for rebalancing exercises, I don’t plan to sell.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

CD Stock Portfolio in Dec 2023

5 counters in my portfolio are below their purchase prices. But 6 of them are still positive. The biggest gainer is BIL.

The unrealized profit this month is Nu. 461,512.67 and unrealized loss of Nu. 41,577.60.

CD Stock portfolio net profit Dec 2023

The above graph represents monthly net unrealized profit; increased from the last month but still didn’t beat the highest of Aug month.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

Those who have a sense of how our stock market works will start buying more shares within first 3 months of a year.

It’s in the anticipation of dividends and capital gains as companies must issue yearly reports and also conduct AGM before March ends.

Bhutan stock market is supposed to get busier. Therefore, I will observe to re-balance few counters in my portfolio.

Starting from this year I want to make few changes on this line of reports. I won’t be giving monthly unrealized profit/loss in actual figures.

But there will be a new category of reports; quarterly side income reports. I am not sure how it will go but I will test it for a year.

How was your stock portfolios in Dec? Did it keep up your expectations? What is your plan for this month?

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