We’re still in the season of annual general meetings, dividend, and bonus shares. Market is still quite bullish though is slowly settling down.

Some counters which are dormant other months also became active. Our index BSI set a new record at 1526.37 points.

My fingers were itchy – wanting to pocket the peak – Nu. 1 million profits of the portfolio was simply staring at me!

But, as a conservative investor, I watched the mountain slowly becoming a mole-hill. Capital preservation is important for me.

This year not many declared dividend. Most major players of my portfolio did. I will be receiving about 3X dividend of last year.

Are you happy? I can hear you say. Yes, little cash doesn’t hurt. But its tax burden will hurt me next year.

It means I have to channel all my income and savings to optimize for tax. Just like rich people, the plan is to pay less tax – legally.

Let us see how Bhutan stock market performed in April – BSI, trades and how my portfolio performed as well.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Market Situations

During April month, the total market trade was Nu. 134.5M. 48% of them was an OTC trade and rest mCaMs trade.

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) started the month at 1513.47 points and ended at 1525.85 points.

Bhutan stock index graph April 2024

BSI gained 12.38 points this month. It shows an overall bullish sentiment of the market.

Individual Stocks

This April month, 9 counters ended down in red, 7 in green and 2 tickers didn’t change.

Bhutan stock market price movements April 2024

If we look at significant gainers / losers, RICB gained the most and STCB lost the most. SVL still trades below face value.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?

Tickers BUY

I purchased 2,000 shares of TBL at Nu.56. An investment is Nu.112,000 if I don’t include the 1% commission.

Bhutan stock purchase

They were purchased from the sale proceeds of RICB. I used some cash savings as well.

Tickers SALE

RICB was at the peak of Nu.82.29. Since it’s quite diluted and possibility of coming down is there, I sold 50% of my holdings.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

Bhutan stock market trading

3 counters in my portfolio are below their purchase prices. But 7 of them are still positive. The biggest gainer is BIL.

The unrealized profit this month is lower than that of last month. But loss also reduced.

Stock trading in Bhutan

The overall unrealized profit is 20.53% and the unrealized loss is 0.40% in the current value of my stock portfolio.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

In my previous month’s report, I have expressed my intention of bringing down number of counters in my portfolio to 8.

I was so busy with office works that I could not manage time for studies and downsizing exercise.

Since, am planning to resign, I might be able to resume the activity. Work pressure is getting down to my mental health.

April was quite good overall – decent dividends – some tickers reaching ATH – good opportunity for downsizing.

Though cash dividends have been declared, I didn’t receive that of even a single counter. Looking forward to receive in coming month.

How was your stock portfolios in Apr? Did it keep up your expectations? What’s your plan for next month?

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