If March is the month of cash dividend and bonus shares declarations in Bhutan stock market, April is when we receive them.

Yet looking at how long it takes getting the cash dividend credited in our banks from the record dates, undeniably Bhutan Stock Exchange has a long way to go.

I don’t know if this problem is with our CDS, stock exchange, companies themselves or banks. It’s a matter of few days in most countries.

However, I have received cash dividend of most of the companies which declared dividend for 2022.

I didn’t spend a single chetrum of the dividend income. I re-reinvested in stock. My stock portfolio is for 15-20 years.

Let us see how Bhutan stock market performed in April – BSI, trades and how my portfolio performed as well.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade of this month is Nu.82.00 millions. Nu.60.00 millions is an OTC trade and Nu.22.00 millions an m-CaMS trade.

Bhutan Stock Market Trading Report Apr 2023

The OTC trade is more than m-CaMs trades by Nu.38 millions. OTC trade is 73% of the total trade.

This means major players dominated the market. Unlike retail investors like you and me, their trades are usually OTC.

279 users traded shares via m-CaMS whereas 437 users traded over the counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

This month, index Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) reached 1263.23 points. It is the highest since BSI was started in 2020 at 1000 points.

Bhutan Stock Index April 2023

BSI continuously increased first week. It came down few points and then started up-trend reaching 1263.62 on 27th April.

Individual Stocks

We can see changes in most of the tickers this month. Most of are due to price revisions after dividend and bonus shares.

Bhutan stock market performance April 2023

DWAL, DFAL and RICB gained the max. However, BCCL lost the most due to price revision post 110% dividend.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This month, I could make some additions worth of Nu.44,332.34 of four companies.

Stock purchases in April 2023 Bhutan stock market

This is total of dividend, insurance agent commission, bank interest and also savings from my salary.

I want to increase my capital injection in manufacturing sector. So, I put the max into this sector (60.4%). Others to bring down average prices.


I didn’t sell any stock this month. Indeed I don’t plan to sell them as I am investing for long-term like at least for 10 years.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

CD Portfolio April 2023 - Table

CD’s portfolio is still positive with an unrealized profit Nu.391,220.99 and unrealized loss of Nu.37,910.58. BIL and DWAL contributed more than 80% of the profit whereas PCAL did for the loss.

Net Unrealised Profit

The above graph represents monthly net unrealized profit. It continuously increased due to bull sentiment of bonus and dividend season.

All AGMs must be completed by 30th April as per the Companies Act of Bhutan. So, I think this profit will decrease from the coming month.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

I have mentioned about doing something about my over-diversified stock portfolio last monthly review.

However, I didn’t want to do it in such an unpredictable sentiment in the market. I might consider doing it once it calms down.

How was your stock portfolio in Apr? Did it keep up your expectations? What interesting things happened to you this month?   

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