Just like that, May is gone and June is here. Ever wondered why the time is moving so fast?

Or is it just me who feel so?

I’ve received all the cash dividend from those companies in my portfolio that declared dividend in 2022.

Same with the stock dividend from RICB being the last one as RMA took more than a month to approve it.

DWAL announced 1.5% stock buyback this month. Such actions must be taken with a pinch of salt.

One intention can be like that of the monkey business case. The buyback is at least from every shareholder.

Keeping that aside as it is an investor’s responsibility to study, let us see how Bhutan stock market performed this month.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Total Trade Value

The total trade of this month is Nu.158.20 millions. Nu.112.80 millions is an OTC trade and Nu.45.40 millions an m-CaMS trade.

Bhutan Stock Market Trading Report May 2023

The OTC trade is more than m-CaMs trades by Nu. 67 millions. OTC trade is 71% of the total trade.

This means big loaders ruled the market just like last month. Unlike retail investors like you and me, their trades are usually OTC.

283 users traded shares via m-CaMS whereas 453 users traded over the counter (OTC).

Benchmark Index

This month, Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) reached 1,346.37 points. Highest since BSI was started in 2020 at 1000 points.

Bhutan Stock Index May 2023

BSI increased first 3 weeks. It remained bit constant towards the middle of the final week until it touched the highest at the month end.

BSI attained the record highest last month. I expected its decrease with the ending of bullish season.  I was proven wrong!

Individual Stocks

We don’t see changes in many tickers this month. It can be attributed to the settling down of bullish sentiment of last season.

Bhutan stock market performance May 2023

DWAL, RICB and DPNB gained the max. But DFAL lost the most. SVL fell below its face value!

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?


This month, I could make some additions worth of Nu. 15,831.75 of three companies.

Bhutan stock market share purchase May 2023

I received dividend of DPNB this month. Combined with bank interest and salary savings, I used it for this purchase.

50.40% of purchase is that of DWAL. Its unrealized profit in my portfolio stands at 68%. I want to make it more realistic.


I didn’t sell any stock this month. Indeed I don’t plan to sell them as I am investing for long-term like at least for 10 years.

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

CD Portfolio May 2023 - Table

This month I made a small change in the average price calculation. I have been keeping the broker fee separate.

This makes the unrealized profit look higher, which is not accurate in the true sense. You will see increases in average prices of my holdings this month.

The unrealized profit this month is Nu. 471,471.99 and unrealized loss of Nu. 49,138.14. DWAL, BIL and RICB account > 80% of the profit whereas BPCL and PCAL do for the loss.

Monthly Unrealised Profit - May 2023

The above graph represents monthly net unrealized profit. It continuously increased. People seem happy of the future of Bhutan stock market.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

I am very impatient person. It’s not a good thing for a long-term investor especially when we make purchases.

The other day, DWAL was trading at Nu. 158 and all the sell orders were above it. If I was bit patient I could have got it somewhere at Nu.150.

I have to exercise patience when I place buy orders. I shouldn’t let it keep on hurting my investment.

My intention of portfolio trimming still stands. I don’t know. The market still looks so unsettled!

How was your stock portfolio in May? Did it keep up your expectation? One interesting thing you did this month? 

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