Bhutan stock market was quite busy in August month, with existing PCAL shareholders either subscribing or refusing its right shares.

In either of the two situations, all brokers must have been busy especially the RICB Securities as an executing broker of this corporate action.

PCAL dropped by a significant margin. We can expect a further drop with the offloading of those unsubscribed right shares in coming month.

I didn’t subscribe to the right shares as it is just an additional work for me with negligible profit.

All my unsubscribed right shares will be sold by RICB Securities and their value differences will be deposited in my account.

DGPCL has announced issuing 5,000,000 units of renewable energy bond at Nu.1,000 per unit for a coupon rate of 10%.

The total debt from this bond will be Nu.5 billion – 6.5% of organizational net worth.

However, it’s also for Bhutanese living abroad – an obvious sign that only Bhutanese staying back in the country lose.

I have published an article on the DGPC Bond. You can read it and see if it will be worth investing your hard-earned dollars.

Whatsoever, let us go through monthly performances of our stock market and also how my personal portfolio did in August.

How Was the Stock Market of Bhutan?

Market Situations

This Aug, total market trades decreased by Nu.8.2M. The total trade was Nu.88M – 60% OTC and 40% mCaMs trades.

Benchmark Index

Bhutan Stock Index (BSI) started the month at a lower points of 1489.13 and ended higher at 1504.52 points.

Bhutan stock index in August

BSI gained 15.39 points. It means overall market was bearish during this month of August 2024.

Individual Stocks

This August month, 04 counters ended in red, 10 in green and 4 remained unchanged.

Bhutan Stock market price changes in Aug 2024

If we look at significant gainers/losers, STCBL gained the most and PCAL lost the most.

Did I Make Changes in Total Holdings?

Tickers BUY

I am still on a career hiatus. This means you bet I have no active income for investing Bhutan stock market.

Tickers SALE

I sold 1500 of RICB at Nu.82. Its purchase price was Nu.59.96, giving me the net profit of Nu.31.830.00

How CD’s Stock Portfolio Performed?

Cheerful Donkey portfolio

5 counters in my portfolio are below their purchase prices. But 3 of them are still positive. The biggest gainer is RICB.

This month, unrealized profit has increased by less than 1% compared to July. The loss is the highest this year!

Bhutan stock market profit in Aug 2024

The overall unrealized profit is 11.28% and the unrealized loss is 6.89% in the current market value.

The Month’s Lessons & Future Plans?

This month, PCAL has decreased by a huge margin – majority to do with its right shares and increase in the total no. of its shares.

It will decrease further as RICB Securities will sell the unsubscribed right shares. But a closed auction would disturb less.

The existing shareholders will also sell – to balance portfolios – leading to further decrease in its market price.

This means it’s not a good time to purchase PCAL. Time to sell? I cannot say but definitely not a time to buy.

However, if you want to take advantage of bull-run of an upcoming AGM season, it is a good time to load other tickers.

If you have observed, most of the tickers are at their lowest starting from last month. Good time to rekindle our greed.

How was your portfolio in August? Did it keep up your expectations? Do you have plans for next month?

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