If we ask people if they want to be rich—having good amount of money—I am quite sure the majority would say yes.

But if we tell them they must do whatever it takes—within the limits of the law—some will choose to maintain the status quo.

This is our problem: we want to be rich but don’t want to put in the efforts needed to become one.

Are we being too proud to become rich? I hope not. Let me share stories of few people who aren’t too proud in that sense.

The Friend Who Resigned to Drive Taxi

We studied in the same college. He is from Pema Gatshel. He joined one private construction firm and moved to a microfinance.

Sometimes in 2022, he took a loan and bought a taxi. He was shocked to know that he could earn more driving a taxi than working in an office.

Despite his parents, friends, and relatives opposing the idea, he resigned and became a full-time taxi driver a year later.

Taxi driver income in Bhutan

When we met last time, he had cleared the loan. He is married and has a one-year-old daughter.

On her first birthday, he opened a Nu.3,500 per month recurring account in her name.

When I asked how much he could make driving a taxi, I was surprised to hear 60,000-70,000 net per month!

It’s more than 150% of his office job salary, and no wonder he now looks more confident, content, & happier!

A Woman Sweeping the Building Stairs

Once my landlord asked if my wife can sweep building stairs once every week for Nu.3,500 per month.

I politely refused as I don’t want my wife do such job – cleaning building stairs. I was worried what people-I-know would think of it!

When my wife came to know about it, she was bit angry for me as I have let go off an opportunity to earning money.

Sweeper salary in Bhutan

My wife would have accepted it. But I was too proud to become richer by Nu.17,500 every month cleaning stairs of 5 buildings.

The woman next door who works in hospital does the cleaning now, and takes home an additional income of Nu.17,500 every month!

The Manager Who Loves Driving a Taxi

When I was working in my previous company, one of the managers used to drive a taxi after office.

He told me he was earning Nu.1000-2000 per day. Though it was to save himself from boredom, it’s Nu.30,000+ a month.

Initially, I wasn’t also positive of someone like him driving a taxi for some extra income.

However, I was being so judgmental. If he loves driving a taxi and then in process earns money, who am I to tell it otherwise?

Are you too Proud to be Rich

How many times we listened our society, and so lost chances of making money?

My friend told me that he could have earned at least 50% of what he now saves in Australia if he didn’t care his ego while in Bhutan.

We also should be fine with someone doing any work – within the limit of law – as far as it’s to earn breads, and the person likes doing it.

Did you lose any chance to make more money just because you were too proud to do that work? 

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